My aunt on my mom’s side recently posted on Facebook a story of my uncle and cousin when they went to visit my mom’s stepdad (who's fine now) in the hospital.
She said they were eating French fries when my mom's stepdad gave my little cousin one of his French fries. My uncle (his dad) told my cousin not to take his fries because he has his own. The next time my cousin is offered a fry, he refuses to take it.
My aunt felt the need to comment on my uncle's parenting skills via a Facebook post. She felt as though this is fake kindness and that she feels as though this is what most of humanity does; they do what they are told, not because they actually mean it.
I feel the need to comment on this because it just baffles me. I see where she is coming from, he's just doing what he's taught, but one has to teach a child common courtesy.
I think her point was that we should just do what we want, but my thing is people get hurt that way. It's this kind of logic that is used to defend rapists, murderers, and etc.
If we weren't taught to be kind at all, we would have a real-life purge.
If you don't agree with me, feel free to leave a comment and check out my aunt’s website…