The reasons why I, a Christian, am pro-choice.
This one is obvious but important. At the end of the day, I just believe that it HAS to be the women's choice, it is her body, you cannot force your ethics onto her. Keep that in mind as you read the rest of these reasons.
Our Bodies
A woman's body goes through A LOT of changes to go through pregnancy. A lot of people forget this. We are not robots, we don't just spit out babies, it's a very intimate process that takes a long time and psychologically takes its toll, that being said, here is the next reason.
As I said before, pregnancy is intimate and it mentally takes its toll. It can be EXTREMElY traumatic to be forced to go through this life-altering process, it just isn't right to force someone to go through it.
Adoption Problem
Sure, she could put the baby up for adoption if she were to not mind going through the mental ups and downs of pregnancy, but children who go through the system often do not find good, loving homes or homes at all. Having been to a mental hospital, I have met a few kids who were in the system and they are often a bit unstable, having never known much of a family or structured household at all, although they are lovely people.
It Will Continue
Abortions will keep happening even if it isn't legal. That's something that people often do not acknowledge. The only difference is that it won't be safe, so you'll be putting both the mother's and the baby's life at risk. Since they are going to do it anyway, you might as well save one life by making it legal and safe for women.
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