This post is not only to tell you to do the things you should be doing regularly anyway but also to help you get into those good habits and give you something to look forward to. Here are different ways you can celebrate mental health Month
1.) Video Chat With Friends
During quarantine, celebrating is a bit hard, but you can still hang with friends. Plan some mental health activities (I will link some below) and just have a good time.
2.) Take Part in Some Self-Care.
When in doubt, self-care is the way to go. Again, you should be doing these things anyway, but when you're working hard it can be tough to find time for yourself, but this month make sure to give yourself some attention, it can be as simple as taking a long relaxing shower.
Here is a list of self-care activities:
3.) Talk With a Professional
It is always good to get your feelings out. If you don't already see a counselor or therapist or any other mental health professional regularly, go ahead and schedule an appointment to let the stress of your year out, even if it is just a phone appointment.
4.) Find a New Coping Skill
We could all use some more ways to cope, so go find one, it's for your own good.
Here is a list of coping skills:
5.) Download Mental Health Apps
Off of the top of my head, I recommend either Insight Timer ar Headspace, but I'll make a list for you in my next post, so stay tuned!
6.) Follow Mental Health Accounts on Social Media
I will also include a list of the best mental health accounts to follow in my next post, so be looking for that.
