Unity is a beautiful thing and we need more of it. A lot of people would agree that we need to ban together more to fight social challenges, but then don't support many forms of unity just because it is not what they are used to. Here are some ways you can show unity and here are things that can help bring our society together:
1.) LGBTQIA+ Rights
This is one of the things that many people ignore or detest which can actually do a lot of good and bring people together if only people could get over themselves and show their support. I'm straight and I support LGBTQIA+ rights for many reasons besides just the fact that I just believe everyone has the right to love whoever they want. One of those reasons is that supporting LGBTQIA+ rights supports more than just couples of any kind, it supports love in general and it uplifts people for being themselves. Unity is a beautiful thing.
2.) Women's Rights
Supporting women's rights is not just for women. If more men would step up and support women, the world would be a much more lovely place. Remember, you don't have to call yourself a feminist to support women's rights, but you do have to actively do something to show your support, like calling out sexism when it happens in your daily life.
3.) The Coronavirus Pandemic
We could easily use this to bring ourselves together (although not physically together). We could use this as an opportunity to help out the less fortunate or more vulnerable to the virus, take care of our neighbors, and show our love in these hard times.
Things you can do:
1.) Check up on people, no matter if they are close or not.
2.) Help each other out, even strangers.
3.) Go to rallies or find other ways to show support (Example: social media).
4.) Take care of yourself. (This is essential)
5.) Make all of this a routine for you.
6.) Encourage others to do the same.