This post is about how to cope in general but was made with the pandemic and quarantine in mind.
Write, draw, paint, or do photography
Play an instrument, sing, dance, act
Take a shower or a bath
Take a walk (away from people), or go for a drive
Watch television or a movie
Watch cute kitten videos on YouTube
Play a game
Online Shop
Clean or organize your environment
Talk to someone you trust on the phone
Write a text to someone you care about
Serve someone in need when you do go out.
Care for or play with a pet
Encourage others online
Make a gratitude list
Brainstorm solutions
Lower your expectations of the situation
Find your favorite inspirational quote
Write a list of goals
Write a list of pros and cons for decisions
Reward or pamper yourself when successful
Write a list of strengths
Accept a challenge with a positive attitude
Catharsis (yelling in the bathroom, punching a punching bag or a pillow)
Get enough sleep
Eat healthy foods
Get into a good routine
Eat a little chocolate
Limit caffeine
Deep/slow breathing
Pray or meditate
Enjoy nature
Get involved in a worthy cause online
Prioritize important tasks
Use assertive communication
Schedule time for yourself