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Diana Blackhurst

Author of The Word Place

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Welcome to my blog!


I talk about social issues, politics, lifestyle, poetry, conversation topics, self-love, tips, and positivity.


DISCLAIMER: Just remember that I know I don’t always know best and you will probably disagree with me at some point in my posts, so do me a favor and write me a message in the contact box below. I love to hear different opinions and I’ll either write you back individually as soon as I can or I’ll dedicate a post to the topic of your message. Thanks.

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Earth Day (Short Post)

HAPPY EARTH DAY!!!!!!!!!! Today it does not matter if you believe in climate change or not. Today is all about taking care of the Earth...

Unity is a Beautiful Thing

Unity is a beautiful thing and we need more of it. A lot of people would agree that we need to ban together more to fight social...

Politics (Short Post)

The only reason people like me, people who are determined to help other people during this pandemic, have to do this [make masks] is...

What We Need in Times Like This

This post is about what we really need while the Coronavirus pandemic is going on. We need a number of things to get through this crisis...

How to Help During Times of Need

How to help people during the coronavirus pandemic. 1.) Donate to Food Banks Help feed the less fortunate during this time of need. 2.)...

Take Action (Short post)

We need to take action during these times of need. You can help by doing many things, but one that I have been doing recently and...

White Privilege (Short Post)

This is a short post about something I've learned lately. The show "All American" on Netflix made me realize a bit of white privilege...

Ways to Cope

This post is about how to cope in general but was made with the pandemic and quarantine in mind. Write, draw, paint, or do photography...

Why We Should ALL be Feminists

HAPPY INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S DAY!!!! This is why some people hate feminism, common misconceptions, and why you should be a feminist. What...

Famous Feminists

1.) Mary Wollstonecraft "A feminist philosopher and English writer, Mary Wollstonecraft (1759-1797) used her voice to fight for gender...

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